I got an email last week from the owners of the motoredbikes.com site.
I got banned from that site for simply posting a link to the site of one of the pioneers of motored biking the great Augidog as he used to be known on that site.
It appears that my sins and affronts have been forgiven by the powers that be over at motoredbikes.com. and that I am allowed by papal mandate to again participate in that grand sceam of things!
I am a bit surprised by this turn of things in the motored bike world but am well advised that such ideas are simply about clicks on websites and what not.
However, any motored bike rider who wants to be legal and responsible is welcome here and at Augi's forum!
And you are welcome here. I practice little censorship and welcome the trolls for entertainment purposes only and I will censor posts that are over the top. You motored bikers that post such know who you are....
The motored biker