Monday, May 20, 2013

I have not posted for a long while....

I have not posted on this blog for a long while... However, as in life and as things happen in life one forgets about certain aspects of their life... And for me riding a motorized bicycle powered by a GEBE kit and you can do a search on GEBE on google... It was about a high end mountain bike of years past sitting in my basement unused...and that need to put to use something that should be used ... So began that thought of power assisting that humble bicycle...and many searches on the internet and looking at what was out there I considered a company called GEBE or Golden Eagle Bike Engines as a company to really consider... These folks are a very small operation out of eastern Michigan state...they have a few employees and a whole lot of loyal customers in which I am to be included.... This blog site is about my personal experiences riding one of these magical kits and motorizing a bicycle with a low powered very environmentally friendly engine on to the most humble bicycle... I was getting well over two hundred miles per gallon on this old Gary Fisher mountain bike with a very friendly conversion kit to motorized from GEBE... Some of my comments are raw and simply represent what I was feeling just riding down the road on a bicycle yet though with a power assist motor my experience was pure cycling in its purest simplicity... Take that or leave that...could care less..... Nine...