Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Who Controls what is cycling?

The folks that control cycling are the folks that sell and buy cycling related gear. That's why I warned you motored bikers about this industry and how it would be wise to make a friend or two in this industry.
I post regularly over on a cycling site called which is a site that allows folks to log in how many miles that they cycle. I posted on their forum about my motorized bike and as I expected met with mixed results as far as response to this idea in this economy. Many desperate folks were quite enthusiastic about my idea and GEBE of course! So I just pointed them to this blog. Might have to post some kind of primer on how to build a motored bike!
They have a group of folks who keep track of commuter mileage so I thought here would be a place to post about this option for commuting. A human powered and power assist system for logging large miles like I do. I was banned from doing so. I do plan on using my regular pedal bicycles to commute to work but not until the weather gets a bit better. I have noticed a lot of folks on this site are boomers and have little knowledge or will not admit to knowing what is really going on in this horrible economy! It's their loss since I could show many how to save a ton and I mean a ton of money on basic transportation!
I think that gas will hit five plus dollars per galleon! I paid 3.49.9 to fill up the bike tank and fuel bottles for a grand total of $1.94 yesterday. This will give me at least two days of commuting probably more. A half a galleon of fuel for 128 miles? I'll take it...



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