Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Man combined with machine

I went out today for one hour and twenty three minutes for a cycling work out on my GEBE/Fisher bicycle.
The course was hilly and very icy in parts and totally free of snow and ice in parts. I pedaled the whole way about 32 miles. It was 20 degrees and sunny.
I should put a heart rate monitor on my rides it certainly got up there! Well its a great work out.
I could go over for a bunch of cyclists why this was a good workout and how spinning the cranks is a great thing but for the audience that is reading this blog its all about speed. And all about going fast. And all about the cutting edge. But that cutting edge as far as motor sports goes was over 100 years ago and a lot of folks just need to come back to reality. The age of the motorized bicycle has past at least for pure performance purposes. But for transportation issues its still a way to get from point A to point B quite efficiently.
My use of a motorized bicycle is simply a way to get to work and back very economically at that!
I think the way to look at this issue is historically. I am no expert on this subject but a power assist on a modern bicycle is just a no brainier option for a commuter such as myself!
Think what you want and ride what you want or pump gas into your four thousand pound cage at three bucks plus a gallon. 200 plus miles per gallon or  12 miles per gallon take your pick.
My choice is clear.



Anonymous augie said...

hi kevin. from bicycle to motor-assisted-bicycle to motorcycle, the progress of the early 1900's is logical and a good thing IMO.

and all three mechanically-separate genres survive to this day, but are now also separated by legal definition. it's the legal separation that has turned out to be the problem. well, not exactly the legalities themselves, but the posers who would blur the lines...guys who take advantage of the MAB's status to play with fake-motorcycles, THEY are the problem. we're gonna have to get over the posers as out of our control, but we're also gonna have to HOPE that the posers don't screw us up legally.

now, as far as "cutting edge" goes, here's how i see it. yup, bicycle materials and designs have come a long way. yes, small engines have come a long way, too. we get better performance, of both speed and efficiency, from engines less than 25% the size of George Wyman's 200cc 1902 California. but who's to say who Mr. Wyman was re: state of mind? was he a motorized-bicyclist or an early motorcyclist? he certainly was a pioneer, and one gutsy guy, taking on such an endeavor on such a vehicle...and i think that those few of us who are willing to respect the legal parameters are being true to his pioneering spirit.

all those guys with the fake motorcycles? well, as far as i'm concerned, they're just cheap schmucks, or drunk drivers without options, or perhaps just jerks inconsiderate of the priviledges that living in a free society affords them. or any combination of the three.

me? i'm a Motorized-Bicyclist, in both the mechanical AND legal sense, and i'm damned proud of it.

December 29, 2010 at 7:07 PM  
Blogger KMB said...


I was just trying to add some common sense to the ongoing debate on my Blog. The debate is good! I am just trying to make sense of this concept of motorizing a bicycle. It makes perfect sense! But some want things a different way it seems! Well Augie as always its great to get your input. I always learn things when you post!
I am interested in peace and quiet and folks getting along but sometimes one has to stand up for what is right I guess.
That small engine that I have mounted to my Fisher bike is a great idea to make a 67 mile commute on a bicycle much easier. I have no interest in becoming a motor cycle rider nor do I have any plans on impersonating a motorcyclist!


December 30, 2010 at 1:35 AM  
Anonymous augie said...

well,'s the deal.

it's ALL about common sense. including the legal stuff. and especially including the mutual-respect part...yaknow, for a greater good.

you've been inspired to live on a definitive motored bike, but you are about the "bike first" ...the assist merely enhances the experience.

here's the other deal, from another perspective...once a build becomes "engine-first" it becomes an underbuilt & unsafe motorcycle. legally, that's a fact. ok, we are, back at that "common sense" thing, eh?

two-wheeled transpo isn't always appropriate, *sensible* transpo according to the payload/task IS always appropriate. more common sense. cagers don't necessarily have to convert, but doggone it i think it's time to show some respect. this ain't always easy.

lemme tell ya...true...IF there were no mechanical restrictions or parameters, i wouldn't have a thing to say. wait...i'd still be about rider-behavior & safety, i guess. in defense of remaining unrestricted.

kevin, i live a unique life, a lucky one. but i know what real life is, been there done that. i may be pretty good at showing what 40cc's of quality can produce, but you do it in real life. just who admires who, i wonder?

so i speak up for you and guys like you, in my own way for my own reasons, ask anyone if i've been anything or anyone else since they've known me. oh well, i'm not about clicks. my bad. hehe, i've still done a lot of cool stuff tho, because i remained focused & true to the motorsport. anyone can do the same, is my point.

December 30, 2010 at 5:10 AM  
Blogger KMB said...


As always a great post! Yeah I am all about the bike first but now I am hooked on that man/machine interface. But there has to be some limits. And most states including Wisconsin have it at 49cc and below to still be considered a bicycle.
And to the issue of clicks your site has a bunch! He! He!
We will just let folks read and decide for themselves Augie. I think that common sense will win out in the end!


December 31, 2010 at 12:23 AM  

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