Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Times yet well made

This bicycle has a very stout frame set with its mounted Happy time motor to it. This is an edit to my original post. The motor on this bike is under the 50cc threshold for legality in most states. I am impressed with its quality and have no problems with its use as a power assisted bicycle. The look is artistic and cool. However its design as a bicycle leaves me to wonder how much actual pedaling will occur with this bike? I suspect very little.
Its kind of that ghetto chopper style of bicycle not meant for much pedaling but for much "cool". To each his own. As long as its safe to ride I have little problems with this type of bike.
Steel is real for this type of app and I think that with some thought one would use this material to its best advantage. Its not that expensive to be safe either.
Motored bike manufacturers need to step up or step out the way I see things...



Anonymous augie said...

this correction might be easier coming from me. that pic's of a 50cc 4-stroke, with a honda or hau sheng (sic?) which is a honda-knockoff from china. the transfer-cover would be a clue what maker, myself i dunno. it's a pretty solid drive on the right bicycle. many of the common kit-components are exactly the same as found in the 2-stroke HT kits. a few suppliers now offer a small variety of these (and 4-stroke rack-mounts) right alongside their HT offerings...the buyer has to be careful when shopping for a 4-stroke in-frame, relying on their own research instead of chest-thumping. i'm sayin' there are things to think about, beyond style, when you choose where to spend your hard-earned MBdollar.

January 8, 2011 at 3:55 PM  
Anonymous augie said...

a second look told me, i do know that does happen to be one of the finest examples of it's MBstyle in use, and used every day in a family way.

it has to said, in defense of how your mistake happened: the 4-stroke "motorcyle" look is still mighty tempting to many, so the "HT attitude" can still be an issue, if you get my drift.

still, that bike *is* built and ridden safely & responsibly, i know the guy altho barely. he and i differ on the MBconsumer issue of supplier-behavior, but there's this side, too: just like us, he's MB'ing inside the lines and liking it just fine. and i like that just fine.

January 8, 2011 at 4:28 PM  
Blogger KMB said...


Thanks for correcting me on the engine. Totally street legal in Wisconsin. When I saw this bike I was much impressed with its quality now knowing that it is with in the lines its very cool!


January 8, 2011 at 11:41 PM  

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