Monday, March 14, 2011

My credit card is salvation

You simply slide it into the gas pump and you need no contact with the stupid sheepish SUV drivers and there fat asses buying lottery tickets! I mean I just don't want to answer any of their stupid questions about my bike and its motor. I think the reason for it is glaringly obvious right?
If you can not figure it out why I ride this bike to work and back you are a brain dead idiot and I just don't need to talk to you. I mean a lot of folks that I talk to about that bike are like 300 lbs and I know no way in hell will give up there truck for a bike with a motor on it to save a ton of money. So the credit card in to the gas pump is my salvation.
When I hop on that bike to go to work my business day has started and the credit card at the pump just keeps things in a business like manor.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you serious? ALL this blather about oil companies and the oh-so-evil powers that be, and you're using a CREDIT CARD? For a "$1.74" purchase no less?

You might wish to educate yourself a bit regarding the wonders of credit culture, it can be safely said most, if not all the things you seem to have such problems with stemms from that.

March 14, 2011 at 5:10 AM  
Blogger KMB said...

My credit card balance is Zero!
You are welcome here but you are very annoying!
You missed the whole point of the post.
The card keeps me away from the idiots that will waste my time. Simple as that!


March 16, 2011 at 12:59 AM  
Blogger KMB said...

Hey Anon,

Since you choose to comment on my site and mind you that I can delete whatever you say but probably won't me thinks that where you came from and your site and your elk simply do not mater in reguards to motorized biking.
I am quite aware of debt slavery and I am not enslaved. I am using the wonderful GEBE system to become even more independent. Since you serve other interests your opinion is valued but is irrelivant. My mileage on GEBE's system is important to write about and I will continue to do so.
Just remember that in your forum I have been banned for nothing that I can think of that is a good reason for such banning. So, you will be judged on my site also. Take care but I will censor you if need be on this site...


March 16, 2011 at 2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, please do ban & censor me. IMHO, I have no idea why I bother feeding the troll anyway.

March 16, 2011 at 2:41 AM  
Blogger KMB said...

I get thousands of hits on this blog from lots of your readers it is as simple as that.
I simply do not need to censor you I need to keep your comments for reference.
Why do you post here anyway? Its because of the big miles I do with a power assist bike that you can not do with any of your cheap china engines. It is as simple as that my friend.


March 16, 2011 at 3:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So where's my previous post recommending the documentary, In Debt We Trust?

Don't mistake thousands of hits for humans, as you've only augie and me posting at all, that's just bots indexing the site and the occasional person to horrified to post.

Big miles? You mean 2500? That's a good start, but don't assume it's impressive. Not all motored bikers only ride weekends, even those with "cheap china engines". Triple that at least and then you'll have something to talk about, you'll get there but not yet.

Back off the hate for anything other than your personal preference and just maybe you'll get some real traffic. TBH, I'm a little shamed you and I have such similar interests, that you're a motored bicycle commuter too, but feel the need to be such a tool about it.

March 16, 2011 at 3:22 AM  
Anonymous augidog said...

prioritizing "traffic" and "hits"...that's just plain getting old. it's the scrabble for every penny that's fragmented the group, and soured me to participating online anymore. i do have a lot more to say, but caring about this group as a whole has been a waste of time.

and hey "anonymous" i personally think YOU are the tool for being too ashamed to name yourself.

March 16, 2011 at 10:56 AM  
Anonymous he also said...

and looky-here...i'm *not* famous, i *was* famous...and all that really means is i found myself in a position to be able to do a lot of things first. i did manage to set standards and inspire, but except for building a solid forum and the landspeed racing, everything i ever did has been bested many times over.

and, i am exhausted from all the tap-dancing i did in the name of The Bike. active promotion paid off, of course, i got to do a lot of cool stuff. clearly, anyone who puts in as much as i did would get to do the same, or better.

but i'm finished with all this internet BS..."i'm gonna sit my a$$ in front of my computer and post some stuff, and then i'm gonna try to get everyone else to sit their a$$es in front of their computers and look at my stuff." i fell into this, i am very happy to be crawling back out. now my personal site is a scrapbook, nothing else, i don't give a rat's heiney who goes there or not anymore.

man, ya can't do ONE thing around the web without someone trying to debase it, or capitalise off it. even our way of thinking exhibits our mercenary view of the WWW, everything we do is about comparing page-views and hits. a view doesn't imply agreement or disagreement, like or dislike. a view means a certain amount of income for someone, period.

as i said, money is why the sport fragmented so early, money is why it'll stay fragmented. competition for clicks SUCKS!

btw anonymous: look up what a troll really is...wink wink nudge nudge.

March 16, 2011 at 12:41 PM  
Blogger KMB said...


I know of a site that cators to recumbent bike folks that the fragmenting did not happen to! The reason? They had an editorial staff that a lot of folk do not agree with all of the time and they sell stuff to but there are pasionate people who luv bikes who write reviews about recumbents and the whole community benifits. That is not the case with MBC its all about selling stuff with no reguards for ultimate quality. Just my 2 cents and what do I know?
Actually two sites. and on either of these sites the HT engine kits would get torn to shreads with their poor quality! Posts criticising poor products are not censored but encouraged to protect the community.


March 16, 2011 at 11:32 PM  
Blogger KMB said...


I did not see your post about the debt movie.
Sounds interesting! Will post a link to it if its worthwhile!


March 16, 2011 at 11:35 PM  
Blogger KMB said...


horrified to post? I mean I don't really care but what is horrible? GEBE is a great product and all posts but one of yours are still up here!
My posts are honest experience out on the road with have of that ride at nite. I think that one can see that 300 miles per week is a lot of miles on any bike!


March 16, 2011 at 11:38 PM  
Blogger KMB said...

Why would any of Augi's readers post here with the fear of being banned on the MBC forum if they like that community? I saw what was going on there and went for the door ASAP!
Still I found Augi's great inspiring posts there but that's no more and that's really sad...


March 16, 2011 at 11:42 PM  

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