Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If I can commute 4000 miles on a GEBE system I think that says it all

You can compare or contrast any China engine and kit to a GEBE kit but bottom line I will just get down the road a lot farther than you will on your cheap kit. Well that is a fact and I will keep posting that fact as time goes on....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few quick questions;

1: Are you sponsored by GEBE?

2: You don't honestly think you're the only commuter or that 4000 miles is all that much, do you?

3: Which is more important, the fact you commute on a motorized bicycle or which engine you choose to do it with?

4: Why not disable comments?

If you're going to delete anything that doesn't completely agree with your brand fanaticism no matter how civil, why bother allowing comments?

April 6, 2011 at 2:55 AM  
Blogger KMB said...

you are most welcome to post what ya want here. I am doing 300 miles per week and just did another measured half gallon mileage measure and got 111 miles on that half gallon. So that's 222 per gallon!
If anyone is doing what I am doing on an HT bike please post....

April 7, 2011 at 12:32 AM  
Blogger KMB said...


I am a cyclist but live out of cycling range to get to work hence the power assist. If I were lets say 15 miles away from work I would be on a pedal bike for that commute but I am over 30 miles from work and the power assist just makes it possible.
Trek bikes has an electric that just is mind blowing for commuting its almost there even for my commute. I suspect that internal combustion engines will be legistrated out of existance in a few years but who knows that for sure....


April 7, 2011 at 12:38 AM  

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