There is a custom builder of motored bicycles in Greendale WI featuring the Happy Time engine that is either a 66cc or the racing 80cc engine by Grubee Engine.
The bikes built from them seem of good quality and on steel frames. They have a pretty neat web page featuring vintage bicycles and cruiser bicycles of course made of steel! GEBE should consider a dealer network just to sell kits so that small local shops could get high quality motors and mount them on bikes like these. Could be a great business in these times. And in my opinion if a customer was given a GEBE option along with the Happy Time option with all of the con's associated with the HT engine me thinks that it would be a no brainer decision! I was just thinking out loud here!
The small company is called Lynn custom motored bicycles.
On her site it is made clear that the engines are not warrantied and the buyer must have mechanical aptitude since she is up front that these machines need constant maintenance.
The selling point is the resemblance to the old Harley Davidson motorcycles of the early 1900's.
I have 743 dollars into my GEBE kit and at first look that seems like a lot compared to an entire motored bike for the same money! However the Robin/Subaru engine has a full no questions asked three year warranty. I am not concerned with Lynn's bike frames but I am concerned with the quality of the motors and of course their displacement. In Wisconsin engine displacement for a motored bike is limited to 48cc or less so her bikes are illegal in Wisconsin. However I must point out that she did get an article in the Milwaukee journal about her business so it probably is just ignored by the police.
The reality is that it's just a matter of time until the police figure it out if enough of these bikes show up on the streets and I would suggest that she have an option for a legal displacement engine if and when that does happen. The Milwaukee area is very cash strapped and the municipalities will use any issue to generate revenue and that could mean big tickets for some.
The GEBE system is nothing new as Lynn points out on her nice website but it just refines and brings into the 21st century the notion of a power assist bicycle using modern engineering and modern engines like the Robin OH35 engine! With an engine like the Robin/Subaru on a properly set up bike with this kit mounted to it one needs little mechanical aptitude! Lynn could build up some fine GEBE kits I would expect on some of her cool bicycles. Much impressed with her site and business.